EnviroChlorite 7.5 is an EPA-registered antimicrobial product containing 7.5% active sodium chlorite. It is specifically designed for CIP pipeline cleaning, fruit and vegetable washing, and cleaning in the dairy, food, and beverage processing industry. This product is suitable for use in organic production as approved by the National Organic Program (NOP). It is also utilized to treat recirculating cooling water and oilfield injection water. Additional uses are for slime and biofouling control in the pulp & paper industry, agricultural irrigation, dispersed pigments, wastewater sanitation, and coatings industries.
- Contains 7.5% active sodium chlorite
- Precursor for the generation of chlorine dioxide
- Versatile applications in various industries
- Approved for use in organic production
EnviroChlorite 7.5 can be applied in the following industries and applications: Dairy, Food, and Beverage Processing Industries:
- CIP (Clean-in-Place) pipeline cleaning
- Fruit and vegetable washing and cleaning
- Non-public health-related microorganism control in water systems
General Industrial Process Waters:
- Control of microbial slime in oilfield injection water, white water paper mill systems, and recirculating cooling towers
Treatment of Irrigation Water Systems:
- Bacteria, algae, and slime control in irrigation piping and emitters for field and greenhouse/hothouse applications
- Nitrification reduction in water reservoirs
Food Plants (Dairies, Bottling Plants, Breweries, Wineries, and Food Processing Plants):
- Control of non-public health-related microorganisms in food processing water systems, such as flume water, chill water systems, hydrocoolers, and other water systems
Please note that specific usage instructions and dosages may vary depending on the application and water conditions. Always follow product label instructions and consult with a sales representative or industry experts for guidance on application techniques.